Very moving. Chris has the most beautiful blue eyes! He is the most sweet, most good-looking, nicest guy in the world, including blind ones.
漫长的生活之河总有几处转折这是每个人必定会经历的固有存在只有如此人生才会不断丰盈不同的生命阶段总有不同的"饱和状态"——电影无意输出任何价值观高仓健妻子只是在抽离描述这种"状态"就好比麦子熟了要收获蜂蜜满了要收割少女长大了要怀梦父母老去了要延续;人类在适者生存的进化时间里感性认知要经历多少不期而至的外界刺激才能转变成一点点理性概念;也许住在海边的人一辈子都望不到大山可要是从不知道有山又怎能说海不广阔呢// PS. 摄影特别好【在线观看乱码】
很想重头再看一次但是还是宁愿把时间留给下一部电影"I have to believe in a world outside my own mind. I have to believe that all my actions still have meaning even if I can’t remember them. I have to believe when my eyes are closed,the world’s still here. "